(Press Release) San Jose, Costa Rica – December 18, 2014 – It turns out online poker players really like the idea of turning a penny into a seat in a major poker tournament. Americas Cardroom today announced that online poker players have won 3,000 seats through the site’s new Spin To Get In feature. The slot machine-like feature invites players to spin three reels to win a seat in a poker tournament instead of playing a satellite. “In the world of poker, there are bad beats. This is pretty much the complete opposite,” stated Americas Cardroom spokesperson Michael Harris. “We’ve handed out 3,000 seats to major poker tournaments through our Spin To Get In feature and we’re thrilled to see so many players reaping the rewards.” Spin To Get In can be found in the lobby of any online poker tournament and Sit & Go. Players place a bet of $0.01, $0.25, or $1 and spin a wheel, much like a slot machine, but with cards. If a 3-of-a-kind shows up, the lucky player wins a seat into the tournament that they would otherwise buy directly into. Spin To Get In is also an avenue for online players who bust out of a tournament and are unable to re-enter or buy back in. The Spin To Get In feature is also available to players who haven’t yet registered for a tournament, so players are invited to spin their way to a seat without playing a single hand of poker. Harris notes that Spin To Get In is proving popular with players looking to get into February’s Winning Millions poker tournament. “To be able to turn a penny into a potential $200,000 (1st place prize for Winning Millions) payday is a game changer,” noted Harris. “Now that this feature is live, we won’t be surprised if we see quite a few players in our $1 million guarantee from Spin to Get In.”