Category Archives: News

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger install 22,500 new slot machines | IXGAMES

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s bet that the state could balance its budget next year with revenue from bigger Indian casinos is unrealistic, a report released Friday by the state’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst said.Schwarzenegger’s proposal to let tribes install some 22,500 new slot machines and then collect more than $500 million in new fees and taxes from […]

Antigua seeks EU support on gambling issue

The position of a senior European Union official that Americas Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act is protectionist has sparked the attention of Antigua & Barbuda gaming officials. EU Internal Market Commissioner Charlie McCreevy recently expressed concern over what he called a restrictive practice by the US in relation to the Internet gambling issue and said […]

Asian gambling stocks set records | IXGAMES

Asian gambling stocks, industry laggards last year, are setting records as investors bet on new casino projects in Macao and Singapore. Shares of Malaysia’s Genting, the builder of Singapore’s second casino, and Australia’s Aristocrat Leisure, the world’s second-largest slot-machine maker, are each up more than 40 percent in the past 12 months.Even after their gains, […]

Instead of raising tax revenue from football betting, the government chooses to prosecute morality.

MILLIONS of Americans have engaged in criminal behavior leading up to today’s Super Bowl. You know who you are — those of you outside Nevada who placed bets on the Indianapolis Colts or Chicago Bears. It’s estimated that about $5 billion will be on the line this afternoon in a nation in which even office pools […]