Category Archives: News

Animal Kingdom and rider John Velazquez ride to victory at the 2011 Kentucky Derby

In an upset that shocked the record-breaking 164,000-plus crowd who gathered at Churchill Downs today, Animal Kingdom took home the win at the 2011 Kentucky Derby. The official win/place/show was: Animal Kingdom, Nehro and Mucho Macho Man. Shackleford came in fourth place. Jockey John Velazquez was slated to ride Uncle Mo, who scratched earlier this […]

Doyles Room Acquired By Re-Opened Americas Cardroom

[PRESS RELEASE] Representatives from the online poker room Americas CardRoom (ACR) announced today their acquisition of DoylesRoom. Americas Cardroom, launched in 2001, was one of the original online poker card rooms. The site has recently re-entered the online poker world and is acquiring skins to fast-track itself to be a dominant player in the market. […]