Category Archives: News

EU news for online poker players

POLAND LEGALIZE ONLINE GAMBLING Poland government is preparing to license online gambling.The European Court of Justice has upheld regulations liberalising online gambling by handing down a ruling favourable to British bookmakers who had been banned from operating in Italy. Consequently, the Polish government is planning to introduce online gambling regulations similar to those in Italy. […]

Gambling With the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

When Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA), which forced online gambling companies to adhere to Federal and State gambling laws, it wouldn’t have been out of the ordinary to assume that the reason for the crackdown was the attempt to protect compulsive gamblers from descending into a morass of debt via their […]

European Commission Urges Germany to Change Plans for Online Gaming Ban | IXGAMES

EU Industry Commissioner Gunter Verhuegen has contacted the heads of Germanys regional governments regarding their ban on online gaming, mainly online lotteries and sports betting. Mr. Verhuegen has given them a month to change a restrictive draft treaty on online regulation. Similar to states of the United States, Germans states (regional governments) have significant individual […]