Category Archives: News

Anything Goes Blackjack

Everest Casino today announced that it was offering a new blackjack variation to its players. Anything Goes Blackjack incorporates a broad variety of rules, giving players a better chance to win. “We’ve always been committed to providing our players with the best online blackjack options,” said Eduardo Santos, Everest Poker’s property manager. “By making it […]

Poker-playing computer program vs. poker player

A poker-playing computer program developed at the University of Alberta will battle against a pair of poker kings in a $50,000 contest this summer. Polaris, the reigning world champion computer poker program, will challenge two of the sharpest poker players in the world, professionals Phil “The Unabomber” Laak and Ali Eslami. The two-day event will […]

Emperor Hotel and Casino in Rajin-Sunbong has re-opened

The Emperor Hotel and Casino in Rajin-Sunbong has re-opened. It had earlier been a source of Chinese authority concern over remote gambling as the casino attempted to attract foreign tourists. The North Korean regime designated Rajin and Sunbong as a special free economics and trade zone in December, 1991 and encouraged foreign businesses to locate […]

Bring Back Online Gambling

– Radley Balko’s testimony before Congress – (Radley Balko testified before the House Financial Services Committee on June 8, 2007 on the issue of Internet gambling. The following is the transcript of his prepared testimony.) Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the committee: My name is Radley Balko. Im a senior editor with Reason magazine and […]