Category Archives: News

Gambling in Ohio is serious

Wonder why the state has to spend so much time discussing gambling. Gambling is serious, yet it shouldn’t be so consuming. Despite the state-sanctioned lottery, which benefits education in a limited manner, and betting on horse races, Ohio residents regularly have voted down more gambling. Yet every time they want to stay out, they get […]

Korea in a crackdown on online gambling

The Korean Ministry of Information and Communication announced last Friday that it will toughen monitoring measures on online gambling, including online poker, reported the Korea Herald. The ministry said it will work with related government agencies, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Police Agency and the Information and Communication Ethics Committee, in […]

Antigua and Barbuda Claims $3.4 Bln in U.S. Compensation

Antigua and Barbuda said it’s entitled to $3.44 billion in compensation from the U.S. in a World Trade Organization dispute over an American ban on Internet gambling. The compensation would be in the form of Antigua withdrawing intellectual property protection for U.S. trademarks, patents and industrial designs, the government said in a statement. We feel […]

Bodog is pleased to extend a once-in-a-lifetime offer to his mixed martial arts rival

In response to recent comments made by Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White, Bodog Fight founder Calvin Ayre is pleased to extend a once-in-a-lifetime offer to his mixed martial arts rival. White’s unfortunate public diatribe included slanderous comments about the Canadian billionaire, referring to the online gaming mogul as a “criminal”. The notoriously bald UFC promoter goes […]