John Travolta is pitching in to help the people of Haiti | IXGAMES
John Travolta is helping out the people of Haiti, flying his private jet out and delivering supplies to the crippled country. The 55-year-old flew from Florida to Haiti on Monday night wife his wife Kelly Preston, several doctors and Church of Scientology ministers, as well as relief supplies. The troubling part of this story is that Church of Scientology ministers took up valuable space on the airplane that could have be used for supplies. According to Breitbart, the Church of Scientology has descended on Haiti to offer healing to the earthquake victims. One minister said, “We’re trained as volunteer ministers, we use a process called ‘assist’ to follow the nervous system to reconnect the main points, to bring back communication. When you get a sudden shock to a part of your body the energy gets stuck, so we re-establish communication within the body by touching people through their clothes, and asking people to feel the touch.” Apparently, medical doctors on the scene are not welcoming Tom Cruise’s religion with open arms. One US doctor there said, “I didn’t know touching could heal gangrene.” When asked what the Scientologists are doing here, another doctor said: “I don’t know.” Please do what you can to help. Donate Now Here or Call 1-877-99-HAITI