Don’t decide to bluff before the flop Most beginners attempt a few bluffs early in their playing career and there is nothing wrong with that: the earlier you perfect bluffing, the better. But many rookies fail miserably at bluffing because they approach it the wrong way, by deciding that theyll run a bluff before the flop has even been dealt. For example, let’s say you are dealt 9-7 off suit on the button and everyone folds around to you. You decide to raise and steal the blinds, but unfortunately, both blinds call. If this is the case, you can assume one or both of them have a hand that’s better than yours. Therefore, you should not decide to run bluff on the flop and beyond, irrespective of what falls. For instance, if the flop is something like A-K-3, you should carefully consider whether a bluff is worthwhile. The great misconception about bluffing that several beginners exhibit is that a good player decides to bluff before the flop. The truth is most good players bluff when they figure that no one else in the pot has a hand that they can call with. If you want to bluff properly, timing is the key. You must wait for the right opportunity. When beginners say things like you can never bluff in limit they are usually players who badly mistime their bluffs. Lets say you have Js-10s. You limp in a late position and there are three other players in the pot against you. No one raises before the flop. The flop falls A-A-K. If everyone looks disappointed with the flop and they all check to you, maybe this would be a good time to bluff. There are only three opponents and the board is highly dangerous. While some loose players might call all the way with a hand like 5-5, you still have plenty of outs against them (including a king). But more often than not, you will force them to fold, either on the flop or the turn. Even rookies in low limit games wont throw away their money and call you all the way with a hand like Q-5 suited. As you can see, well timed bluffs are generally more successful than picking a random point in the game to run a bluff, no matter what falls or who calls. If you have few opponents and even if you get a ‘feeling that they will all fold if you bet, rely on your instincts and work on it. If it fails, oh well! At least you tried. But after several failed attempts, you will eventually improve your timing…….and accordingly, you will improve your strike rate. Additionally, if you are playing a low limit game, never overlook the fact that bluffing may be a completely inappropriate strategy for an entire session. Advertising using your bluffs may be of little use in some low limit games, because they will call you all the way in 90% of hands, irrespective of whether you advertise with the occasional bluff. More over, it may be that they call so much that bluffing is virtually impossible. If thats the case, dont attempt to bluff that table. Timing is everything, so if the $1-$2 game on Friday night is the loosest game in town, Friday night is not a good time to run bluffs!!! Remember to start slowly and build your Poker Game – dont rush headlong into those high-stakes games!!!