An online site is taking bets on whether former British model Heather Mills’ prosthetic leg will come off during the U.S. TV’s “Dancing With The Stars.” Gambling site, based in Antigua, made a “No” outcome the heavy favorite on whether the estranged wife of rocker Paul McCartney would have such a mishap, Sky News said Tuesday. Mills lost her leg in a 1993 traffic accident. The site said the ex-model’s leg “must fall off, not be purposely taken off, during a dance routine for all ‘Yes’ wagers to be graded a win.” Mills told syndicated television show “Extra” that she wanted to show people that “even with a prosthetic leg” can dance. “It’s very unlikely my leg’s going to fly off even though it would be quite funny to knock one of the judges out,” she said during the interview. The show involves 11 couples — a celebrity paired with a professional dancer — competing in a variety of ballroom performances. Its fourth season is scheduled to begin on March 19 on ABC. (Bodog Sportsbook)Â