eCOGRA how the seal can be awarded

Dozens of online casino and poker room operators will soon be eligible for affiliation with the gaming standards body, eCOGRA (eCommerce and Online Gambling Regulation and Assurance), following changes in the criteria for how its ‘Play it Safe seal can be awarded, the organisation announced. A key change in the policy will mean that it is no longer compulsory for software providers of interested online gaming companies to be members of eCOGRA. However, the company reiterated that this will not translate into a relaxation of the high inspection and monitoring levels required in order to display the prestigious ‘Play It Safe seal, awarded by the organisation. ‘We’ve experienced an enormous amount of interest from operators who aren’t using our existing members’ software, which was previously a pre-requisite to obtaining a seal,’ explained Andrew Beveridge, CEO. ‘The new arrangements will allow all operators to apply for an eCOGRA seal of approval, at a time when it is vital the industry demonstrates responsibility for player protection and improved operational standards.’ eCOGRA will now offer operators that use software provided by non-eCOGRA members its certification services.