Good news for online gambling

Some very good news for online gambling and online poker firms might be coming verry soon. PARTYGAMING (PRTY.L), CRYPTOLOGIC (CRYP), PLAYTECH (PTEC.L) and 888 HOLDINGS (888.L) and many other online poker firms might soon get a serious boost in stock price. Rumors are now coming out, that the World Trade Organization (WTO) has ruled against the US in an online gambling dispute with the Caribbean island of Antigua and Barbuda. Although the ruling has not yet come out and is still private, it’s been reported that the WTO has found the US guilty of not complying. The World Trade Organization is due to release its final report on the Antigua vs. U.S. case any day now. A decisive ruling might provide the spark, that gives online gambling stocks like Partygaming (PRTY.L), Cryptologic (CRYP), playtech (PTEC.L) and 888 holdings (888.L) a BIG boost up. Keep you eye’s on gambling stocks.