Women being drawn to poker

Today women are joining the tables in what seems to be the start of a new generation of poker players. Even through the years, a long, long time ago, there was just poker rooms for men, but now its very open to women…. The Womens Poker Classic helps support the B.C. and Yukon chapter of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and is Canadas only all-women poker tournament. Held at the Cascades Casino in Langley, 600 women gathered in hopes of claiming a piece of the $165,000 prize pool. Half were playing limit Texas hold em, with a top prize of $45,000 while the rest played no-limit, vying for a $120,000 jackpot. Maryann Morrison, founder and president of the Womens Poker Club online and publisher of the Women Poker Player magazine, said in an article with the Regina Leader-Post that she was called names and put down in her rookie days of poker playing. The online club for women has more than 3,000 members from all over the world signing on to get a piece of the action. The site specializes in making sure women are treated fairly while playing, and encourages all levels of players to join. According to Statistics Canada in 2006, approximately 80 per cent of people in B.C. who were 19 or older played the lottery, 30 per cent visited a B.C. casino and six per cent visited a provincial commercial bingo hall. Of all gamblers, 52 per cent were female and 73 per cent were 35 or older. Theres nothing stopping woman in poker……Make sure you set your limit!!