Senate President Therese Murray says she has an open mind about casino gambling and that it could be a significant economic boost to Southeastern Massachusetts. ‘‘I think it would mean a lot for New Bedford, she told the Cape Cod Times last week. ‘‘It would mean a lot for the revenue of the commonwealth. Murrays position on casino gambling became a subject of considerable speculation after she was elected Senate president last month by her colleagues in the Senate. Murray said she has been mistakenly described as an outright opponent of casinos. But she told the Cape Cod Times that shes ‘‘keeping an open mind because casinos could create thousands of jobs in the state. She said she is opposed to a casino in her hometown of Plymouth, but that it should be up for consideration in other communities. The potential for a casino in Southeastern Massachusetts increased when the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe received federal recognition earlier this year. While the tribe does not want a casino on Cape Cod, it has expressed an interest in putting up a casino in another part of Southeastern Massachusetts – if casino gaming becomes legal in the state. Political leaders in New Bedford and Middleboro have expressed an interest in hosting a possible casino in their communities. A proposal to allow slot machines at the states four racetracks was defeated last year in the House, where Speaker Salvatore DiMasi is a strong opponent of expanding gambling. Both the Mashpee Wampanoag and the Aquinnah Wampanoag tribes would be allowed to offer slot machines if they are allowed at the racetracks. Gov. Deval Patrick has said he is open to allowing casino gambling as a new source of revenue for the state. Murray said she is looking forward to seeing the results of a task force Patrick named to review the issue of online casino gambling.