HUGE Casino games Winner

Victoria K. of California is over $280,000 richer, and she owes it all to a Food Fight. The latter would be the name of the Bodog Casino game she won all that cash playing with five puddings in a row. Asked via email about her big win, Victoria wrote, “I was home alone on my MacBook when I hit my jackpot. At first I couldnt quite believe it! I just sort of sat there, trembling, staring at the screen. Then, just to make sure I wasnt imagining it, still trembling, I took a screen shot (above). Then, still trembling, I called Bodog Customer Service to ask them my best method of payout for this large amount and how it would be processed. Ive won before and always find Bodog Customer Service to be excellent!” As for her plans to spend all that scratch, Victoria plans to take the responsible route. She said shed “pay off bills, help my brother pay off some of his bills, pay down credit cards, make donations to a few of my favorite charities, invest the bulk of it throughout my portfolio, and play more Bodog!” Oh……. and heres the best part: This wasnt even Victorias first big win at Bodog, though it was her biggest. “In December 2006, I won $50,000 playing Bodogs ,” she wrote. Congratulations – Victoria. Enjoy your winnings regards  Bodog CasinoÂ