The Poker Players Alliance (PPA), a grassroots organization of more than 400,000 poker-playing members, issued a press release voicing their strong support of House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank’s introduction of sensible online gambling legislation. “Congressman Frank’s bill is a common sense approach to Internet gambling,” said PPA Chairman of the Board, former Senator Alfonse D’Amato. “Licensing and regulation will allow us to sort out the most responsible sites- those who are good corporate citizens- from those engaged in unscrupulous activities and practices. This legislation creates common sense public policy that establishes real safeguards, protecting minors and problem gamblers while allowing the majority of adults to enjoy poker and other games online.” The Poker Players Alliance is a non-profit organization advocating on behalf of American poker players. They offer tools which poker players are encouraged to use to contact their Congressional representatives to let them know they want IGREA passed. Enter here to visit their site and make your voice heard.