Michael Bolcerek, the president of the Pokers Players Alliance has sent out a message to it’s 500,000 members asking them to write their congressman in support of HR 2046 Internet Gambling Regulation & Enforcement Act 2007. Barney Frank introduced the bill to Congress a few weeks back and the email included some of the following. HR 2046 will lift the prohibition on playing poker online. Your efforts are making a difference! Representative Frank is the Chairman of the important House Financial Services Committee. And he understands the injustice that we have suffered. When he introduced the bill, he told reporters that The existing legislation is an inappropriate interference on the personal freedom of Americans and this interference should be undone. But he cant do this job alone. Now, we need to help Congressman Frank build support for his bill. You can regain your right to enjoy safe, secure online poker – but only if you stand up for your rights. And PPA is here to help you do just that. This is a landmark day for freedom. But it is only the first step of the process. Join me in celebrating this milestone – and take action to build support for HR 2046.
Click here to make your voice heard in our nations Capitol. Online Gambling deserves it’s own debate and discussion. The freedoms of Americans should not be attached to any bill at the last hour.