Online Casino Winners: Robert B. Doubles Up!
The slots and video poker machines were hot this weekend in Bodogs online casino. Its money time! Check out our online casino winners from the weekend:
- Robert B. of PA must have doubled up and bunch of times, cause he made $11,246 off of the Double Double Jackpot online slot machine!
- Cheryl D. of OH pillaged the Vikings Voyage online slot as she made $10,770.
- Darren N. of WY will be chillin near crystal clear waters as he made $9,578 off of the Crystal Waters online slot machine.
- Glendon M. of PA was a stud as he made $8,874 off of the Caribbean Stud Poker machine.
- Cheryl D. of OH is dancin in the rain as she made $8,086 off of the Rain Dance online slot!
- Dont call Susan C. of NY no stinkin joker, she made $5,601 off of the Joker Poker online slot!
- Its two can dine for the Diamond Mine as David S. and Mark K. made $5,355 and $4,233 consecutively on the Diamond Mine Deluxe online slot machine.
- Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! Ruby B. of FL was wildin out with dueces as he made $3,920 on the Dueces Wild video poker machine.
Regards: Bodog Casino                    (Big Congratulation from ixgames)