Information For US Based Online Gamblers and Poker Players | IXGAMES

Ixgames provide the latest information on how to gamble legally in the USA

It Is possible to continue playing poker, or using casino games online? Since the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act was passed by Sen. Frist in October 2006 it has been a bleak time for US based online gamblers. At first …….it seemed that the new act would prohibit them from playing any casino game for money at ANY SITE.

Gamblers kiss goodbye to enjoying Online Black jack, Online Slots and Online Poker for a long time a few companies announced that they would be staying open for US business. Now all the players had to do was to fund their accounts, as this had become more difficult with the new legislation, especially with the closure of Neteller, who provided the main channel for US players to deposit money into their accounts.

There is so much confusion in the Online Gambling sector now, ….as gamblers try to find out which poker rooms still accept US players, and how they can fund their accounts. Here at ixgames whe will give you all the information to US based players  (Updated with the latest changes in the gambling industry, and provide the latest news on how to gamble on in the USA).

Our US Player section receiving an increasing number of visitors, as more and more US based gamblers try to continue playing.

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