Bodogs Casino Winners starting with Kyle V

Big winners doin’ big things once again

The temperature was *lucrative* in our online casino!!

  • Kyle V. grew a gold beard in the online casino. And pulled home $27,434 on the Goldbeard online slot machine!
  • The blackjack players were on the attack in the bodog casino. James N, Randy S, Jason H, Alexandra R, and Vernon C, made $19,355, $18,286, $6,863, $6,747, and $5,804 respectively.
  • Who’s the prince of Sherwood? In the bodog casino it’s Jenny P of TX, she made $12,625 off of the Prince of Sherwood machine.
  • Doug D. of MN was mister money last night. He made $8,022 off of the Mister Money online slot.
  • What? Doug D. again? You damn skippy, and this time he conquered the Caesar’s Empire online slot machine, pulling in $7,043.
  • Regards:  Bodog Casino