Crown casino super high-roll | IXGAMES

Crown casino is building a new super room for its richest and most loyal pokies players. The invitation-only slots chamber will boast about 20 high-stakes gaming machines, allowing punters to bet up to $500 on a single spin. Played at their maximum capacity, each slot machine could fill the casino’s coffers by an estimated $25,000 an hour, or $604,000 a day. *The VIP Slots made headlines last year after a mother of two was jailed for seven years for stealing more than $7.3 million from the Bendigo Bank. At her peak, the woman was spending up to $2644 an hour on the casino’s pokies.* Crown chiefs estimate the majority of its elite high-roller pokies players are from overseas. Crown is licensed to operate its 2500 gaming machines until 2032.