Gambling Online Is It Safe

1) You are not going to go to jail for merely playing poker online.  It is not a federal crime to make a bet.  Half the states do have ancient laws on the books making it a crime, sometimes, to make a bet.  But these are never enforced.  I have been unable to find anyone who has been charged, let alone convicted, for playing Internet poker. 2) It is safe to cash or deposit checks from online poker operators.  Be aware that Americans are supposed to report and pay taxes on virtually all income from any source.  The only crime the federal government really cares about when it comes to gamblers is tax evasion. 3) Your money can get tied up if a gaming operator or e-wallet decides to stop dealing with Americans.  It has been more than six months since the CEO of BetOnSports was arrested changing planes in Dallas, and the money in its American former patrons’ accounts is still tied up.  Players will probably get 100% of their money back. Eventually.  Without interest.  So, do not keep too much money in any one place. 4) Be careful about new sites.  Unscrupulous operators can jump in to fill the vacuum.  The danger is greater with e-wallets than with gaming operators.  Today, a crooked poker site would be slammed by players all over the blogosphere.  But a crooked bank could act legitimately, until its operators disappeared with all the funds. 5) Although there is virtually no chance of getting arrested, you can get into trouble by playing poker on the Internet, when you use someone else’s computer.  The company you work for owns the office computers, and can legally spy on what you are doing.  While it is not a crime under federal law to make a bet, it is grounds for dismissal if you are a federal employee gambling on federal property.  Similarly, some colleges don’t want gambling to take place in their dorms on their central computer systems. Remember: IXGAMES promotes the freedom of individuals to gamble online with the proper safeguards to protect consumers and ensure the integrity of financial transactions.