Laws to control gambling proposed

Doctors have called for laws to control gambling and to ensure young people do not become addicted. The National Health Foundation’s Dr Prakit Vathisathokit will today ask Deputy Prime Minister Paiboon Wattanasiritham to introduce legislation controlling gambling and to establish a gamblingcontrol commission. Laws and commissions are common in many countries and have existed for a long time, he said. He told a foundation forum on youth and gambling yesterday that existing efforts to discourage young people from gambling have failed. He wants a law that regulates public activities and publications that might encourage gambling, too. Youth Observation and Protection Department deputy director Thawatchai Thaikieo said online gaming was a first step for youth gamblers. Many games allow players to swap accumulated scores for cash or other rewards. Psychiatrist Amporn Benchapolpitak agreed and called for online games to be controlled.