United Kingdom Gambling Commission

The United Kingdom Gambling Commission has released its list of foreign remote gambling jurisdictions approved to be *whitelisted* by the Gambling Commission for the purpose of advertising gambling services within the United Kingdom from 1 September 2007. Only two jurisdictions have been initially recommended for approval namely the jurisdiction of Alderney and the Isle of Man. Applications from Antigua and Barbuda and Kahnawake are still receiving consideration, whilst applications from Alexander (Canadian Reservation), Tasmania (Australia) and Netherlands Antilles have been rejected by the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport, James Purnell. Minister of Finance and the Economy, Dr Errol Cort remains confident that Antigua and Barbuda’s application to the UK’s *Whitelisting* will receive approval in due course, given that Antigua and Barbuda’s regulatory and licencing objectives are parallel to the United Kingdom’s intended remote gaming regulatory regime, which promotes the prevention of underage gaming, protection of the vulnerable, fairness in all games and the combating of illicit activities and financial crimes. Director of Gaming Kaye McDonald underscores the Minister of Finance’s sentiments with respect to the jurisdiction’s regulatory and licencing framework and furthermore believes that the application process provides an opportunity for governments and regulators to work collectively to continuously improve the regulatory environment associated with remote gaming. Cort observed that the UK’s *whitelisting* is an on-going process and stated that the Government looks forward to working with the United Kingdom with respect to the jurisdiction’s application and also with other proactive governments across the globe to further develop international standards in recognition of this most important industry.