– Governor supports health through gambling –
GAMBLING IS GOOD FOR OUR HEALTH – Safe to say that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t view gambling as much of a problem. First, Schwarzenegger announced that he wants to lease the state lottery – an idea he’s floated before – and use the proceeds to fund his universal health care plan. But what also was interesting was the governor’s take – disappointment, almost – that people buy more lottery tickets on average in other states, and that a private company might do a better job. Presumably a better job at getting more Californians to spend more money on something a whole lot of people would suggest is a terrible waste of their money and potentially addictive and ruinous. The very next day, the governor vetoed a bill by Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Fremont. The bill, AB 1339, would have forced the state’s Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs to *develop a problem-gambling prevention program, develop a strategic plan, and establish an advisory group.* The governor said he supports efforts to address problem gambling, but that the bill is unnecessary because the Department and Alcohol and Drugs Programs has the situation under control. And, besides, we wouldn’t want too many people to stop gambling. It might be bad for our health care.