HOW IT ALL STARTED: The World Series of Poker began back in 1970, there were fewer than 50 poker tables in the entire city of Las Vegas. And there were only 70 poker tables in the whole state of Nevada. Binions Horseshoe, the host casino, did not even have a poker room. The contest that would come to decide pokers first world champion was held inside an alcove about the size of an ordinary hotel room. Thirty or so gamblers shoehorned themselves around a few poker tables. They didnt know it at the time, but they were making poker history. Here you have a Summary Of ALL Past WSOP Events: from 1970 – 2007 Copyright by: Online Casino Games The 2008 WSOP will begin on May 30, 2008 and run until July 17. The exact schedule of events has not yet been finalized and will likely be available by the end of 2007.