The World Series of Poker (WSOP) has been established now for over 30 years, taking place anually in Las Vegas, Nevada – the home of the big Tournament Poker. Over the last 30 years over a hundred millionaires have been made at the World Series playing Holdem – Omaha – Razz – Stud and more recently the all new H.O.R.S.E. Tournament introduced in 2006. (Read more about: World Series Of Poker). Many online poker rooms competing to offer poker players the best packages to Vegas Summer 2008. Ixgames will get you the best WSOP 2008 packages: Full Tilt Poker (All US residents are WELCOME) Ultimate Bet (All US residents are WELCOME) (All US residents are WELCOME) Carbon Poker (All US residents are WELCOME) Doyles Room (All US residents are WELCOME) Bodog Poker (All US residents are WELCOME) Absolute Poker (All US residents are WELCOME) Titan Poker (No U.S.) Pdc Poker (All US residents are WELCOME) The best thing about the WSOP has to be the fact that anyone can play, from poker professionals to pig farmers! 🙂 The only restriction that is aplicable to all entries is that you have to be 21 or over on the date of the event starting!
(The WSOP 2008 promotions are expected to coming soon)
(The 2008 WSOP will begin on May 30, 2008 and run until July 17)