With some popular online poker rooms, winning isn’t the best thing that can happen to you. Bad Beat Jackpots offer payouts if a player suffers a bad beat under certain circumstances, such as when they have a quad ten hand and some beats them with a better hand. In these instances the entire table usually gets some kind of payout, with the person suffering the bad beat getting the lion’s share. These are progressive jackpots as well, so the longer they go without being hit the bigger they get, and one popular room, Absolute Poker  boasts a six figure jackpot. About bad beat jackpot: A bad beat jackpot is when a very good hand loses to an even better one. Normally the losing player in this hand would be awarded 50% of the jackpot fund, the winner gets 25% and other players who took part in the hand get the remaining 25%. Different poker rooms offer different levels of payouts for bad beat jackpots and have different losing hand requirements. Win big at: Absolute Poker