Antigua disappointment with UK gambling deal

Antigua and Barbuda has expressed disappointment with the United Kingdom’s disapproval of its “white listing” application that would have allowed Antiguan remote gaming service providers the ability to advertise their services to consumers in that country. An Antigua and Barbuda government statement said officials *expressed surprise at the unexpected announcement by the United Kingdom’s Department of Culture, Media and Sport. – DCMS -* It said Antigua had submitted *extensive materials* to the DCMS over the course of the last year and was *engaged in on-going discussions with DCMS representatives over a very narrow area of disagreement between the two jurisdictions when the announcement was made.* – Given that we have been working with the DCMS, over the past few months, to sort out our few remaining issues we are somewhat taken aback by this announcement, - said Ms Kaye McDonald, Antigua’s Director of Gambling. The statement said a high-level Antiguan Ministerial delegation was expected to meet next week with the Umited Kingdom Minister of Sport and other officials in London to discuss matters regarding Antigua’s *white listing application and other issues of common concern.* Under the circumstances, one would consider this announcement premature, - said Finance Minister Errol Cort. (We will certainly take this up with the minister next week and look forward to an explanation). We trust that the system adopted by the United Kingdom government will prove to be fairly applied and transparent, - he continued.