UltimateBet announces its new poker reality series on Fox Sports Net. The 7-week series aims to discover whether Phil Hellmuth or Annie Duke is better at molding ordinary poker players into champions. The ultimate poker reality series follows 18 poker players on two teams led by world poker champions Phil Hellmuth and Annie Duke as they battle it out over seven weeks. More than just money is at stake in this televised battle. Egos are on the line as the two poker pros try to prove who’s the better poker professor. Phil Hellmuth and Annie Duke each handpicked nine players from a field of 36 to join their team. The 18 selected players were shipped to the luxurious Pechanga Resort and Casino in California to be a part of the seven-week series. Online poker players looking for their own shot at poker superstardom don’t have to wait long. The audition process for season 2 of the Best Damn Poker Show begins soon at UltimateBet! Regards: Ultimate Bet  (UltimateBet is available to all U.S. residents)