What is Joe Biden’s stance on Online Poker ???  The answer has proven hard to come by. According to several websites Joe Biden has a favorable stance on the legalization of gambling. No information can be found about Joe Biden’s specific stance on Internet gambling, online poker, or other Internet related issues. There is one site that lists the stances of all major political candidates for the 2008 presidency. The question posed was: Do you favor the legalization of gambling? The description and scenario explains the history of online gambling. It points out that even sports gambling, thought to be an illegal form of gambling online - is not necessarily illegal.  Then the site lists symbols - but no statements, next to each candidates’ name below the question. The symbols depict whether each candidate *strongly supports*, *supports*, *has no stance*, *does not support*, or *strongly does not support*, the legalization of online gambling. Joe Biden’s symbol was *supports*. In contrast, Hillary Clinton’s symbol was *does not support* and John McCain’s symbol was *strongly does not support*. Joe Biden will likely serve as more of a foreign correspondent and adviser to Obama, rather than a strong poker advocate, but his positive stance on the legalization of gambling, coupled with Barack’s support for freedom of the Internet - could equal future legalization of online poker. Cheers