Joe Bidens Son Lobbies for Online Gambling

As you know - Hunter Biden is the son of Barack Obama’s vice-presidential running-mate, Joe Biden.  Hunter, is Joe’s second son, a well-known Federal lobbyist who created a lobbying company known as Oldaker, Biden & Belair, LLP. Joe Biden is currently too busy to worry about any specific issues. His focus these days is on traveling around the country to try and convince voters that Barack Obama should be the next president. Internet gambling is a big industry in the United States. Even with the ill-advised inclusion of the UIGEA to another non-related Bill, people in America are still spending millions of dollars gambling online. These voters are looking for a candidate that represent their needs. With Biden being the vice presidential candidate and his son going to work lobbying for expanded gambling laws, it could provide Barack Obama the necessary votes to put him over the top in the November election. (Mr. Biden, the youngest of the senators two sons, graduated from Yale Law School in 1996 and was hired later that year by the MBNA Corporation, the financial-services giant then based in the Bidens home state of Delaware. Mr. Biden quickly rose to be a senior vice president at MBNA before joining the Commerce Department.)