Doyle Brunson is considered one of the legends of poker. His name comes up at poker games all across the US, whether they are being played in casinos or somebody’s living room. That may be why he wants his online poker site, Doyle’s Room, to be available to US players. Originally – Doyle’s Room was a member of the Tribeca Table Network. The site then switched to Prima Poker and eventually settled on the Microgaming Network. Their goal all along was to ensure that US players could continue to play even as different software company’s forced members of their communities to stop accepting US players. Microgaming worked for a while for Doyle’e Room, but in the past few months, the software provider followed many others out of the US market. Once again Doyle’s Room was stuck on a platform where they could not accept US players. Now, the site has decided once again to move on to a software provider where they will be free to operate in the US again. Cake Poker is the landing spot this time. Cake Poker is allowing sites powered by them to accept US players from anywhere except the state of Kentucky. The move by Doyle’s Room is one that several different sites are making. With a new administration in the US, these sites believe that regulation of the online gambling industry is right around the corner in the US. They are trying to stay ahead of the game and get to networks where they can get a leg up in the US market. Doyle’s Room may be at the lead of a new trend in online gambling!