Titan Poker Offers $63,000 in Freerolls

The Latest Innovation From the Leading Online Poker Room Gives Players Multiple Chances to Win Cash Prizes, a 2009 WSOP Package, and a Peugeot 207cc Luxury Car. Online poker players making their first deposit during the month of May at Titan Poker. Will receive free entry to a series of freeroll tournaments awarding a grand total of $63,000 in guaranteed prizes. New depositors get tournament entries to a series of satellites awarding seats to the poker room’s monthly $20,000 New Depositors Freeroll, where a guaranteed prize pool of $20,000 is distributed among the most skillful poker players. In addition, new depositing players get entries to satellite tournaments awarding seats to Titan Poker’s exclusive Peugeot 207cc Freeroll, which will be staged on June 5. The winner of that tournament will drive away in a Peugeot 207cc Coupe Cabriolet convertible sports car, valued at $30,000. And finally, Titan Poker’s is giving its newest depositing members chances to win a 2009 World Series of Poker package, valued at $13,000. The package includes the $10,000 buy-in to the WSOP Main Event, travel to Las Vegas, 7 nights of luxury accommodation and spending money. With $63,000 in prizes available to players, more and more poker enthusiasts are seeing the advantages of making their first deposit at Titan Poker during May 2009.