After missing a second practice on Thursday, New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning returned for training on Friday. The 28-year old player injured his right heel, keeping him from practice for two consecutive days. The lapse invariably places Manning at a disadvantage to play for the team’s next game. Still, the quarterback seems to be fit in form despite the injury, but the team is still being cautious about his participation on the next game with the Oakland Raiders. Manning’s current status Manning is currently listed as a questionable and according to coach Tom Coughlin, his participation will most likely be a game-time decision. Coach Tom Coughlin said that they will have to evaluate Manning everyday. The team knows that Manning wants to play despite his injury, but they will not go against the advise of the team physician. Coughlin also said that they won’t really force Manning to play. He still needs some treatment, while in the field and at home, and then they’ll see how he is going through it all. According to the coach, if there’s progress, then Manning will definitely play in the next game. Manning during practice But how did he do on practice? According to Coughlin, Manning did ok. Despite his injury, Manning was able to do all that he needed to do as the team’s quarterback during practice Reserve David Carr was supposed to take Manning’s place. He was there during practice with the starting line until Manning’s arrival on Friday. According to Carr, Manning looked ok. However, David Carr is still preparing for the game against the Oakland Raiders in case the team needs him. According to Carr, Manning was not favoring his injured heel, which is an obviously good sign. The 30-year old first overall draft pick by the Houston Texas in 2002 added that he thinks Manning will be the one playing in the game against the Raiders. However, Carr is still dedicated in practicing to prepare himself for any eventuality. If Carr starts, it will be his first since November 2007 with the Carolina Panthers. During Manning’s Friday practice, the quarterback went through the standard calisthenics as well as the regular stretching and squatting without any apparent problems. The New York Giants will be playing against the Oakland Raiders. The Raider’s offense has been ranked as last in the NFL with their defense placing at the 18th notch. The Raiders’ coach Tom Cable comments that not much dropoff can be expected if Manning does not play. Cable is currently facing the possibility of being suspended from the league due to allegations pointing to his attack on one of his assistants. On the other hand, the Giants’ offensive coordinator Kevin Gilbride is of the opinion that the offense won’t suffer too much change with Manning gone.