The numbers show that more fouls are being called by NBA replacement referees compared to the experienced ones. As shown by STATS LLC, an average of 57.5 fouls is called every game during Monday’s exhibition schedule. That’s 8.5 more than the average 49 fouls per game during the preseason overseen by the regular referees. However, for the Charlotte Bobcats, the average is even higher, totaling to 77 fouls in their bout with New Orleans last week. According to the team’s coach Larry Brown, the play was much like the summer league games. He added that “You never get to see the kids play. There’s always a foul being called.” As a result, these fouls make it hard to play, according to Brown. Brown was called by Kevin Scott for two technical fouls and resorted to security when Brown still lingered in court. Eventually, Brown was escorted to the locker room. Spokesman for the NBA Tim Frank comments that the league has no problems with Scott’s decision to call security. Bobcats guard Raja Bell is of the opinion that the older officials “knew how to not take the rules literally all the time.” He added that some of the officials know what to let go in exchange for a smooth-flowing basketball game. Relationships between players, referees, and officials It seems that over the years, a form of camaraderie has sprouted between the player, referees, and officials, allowing each to get a glimpse of each person’s character. As Bell simply placed it, the players know what they’re going to get out of the guys (regular officials). As a result, players and officials know who has a short temper, and who has a quick tendency to use the whistle. Unfortunately, this sense of camaraderie is not found between the players and the replacement referees. Some players and officials – including Brown – have had experiences with replacement referees during their career. However, most players have not, and chances are it would take some time before they get used to the new system. As it stands, a number of blunders show up at other games, with most of the complaint centering on the amount of whistles. Calling fouls seems to be a favorite hobby of the replacement referees. On the other hand, the referees union has forbidden its members to publicly speak of the matter as revealed by veteran NBA referee Joe Forte. According to Forte, this is the best thing to do. This is the first time the league will be using replacement referees since 1995. The option to use replacement referees has arisen from labor disputes between the league and the referees’ union, basically ending the union’s rejection of the NBA’s final offer.