The acquisition of the World Poker Tour was just announced this week, and PartyGaming, the group behind Party Poker is taking this opportunity to move in and attempt to take over the world of Poker once again! PartyPoker is a big name online that most have heard of, but unfortunately for Americans, it’s also been a site that they’ve been unable to play at despite its popularity and the quality of gaming it offers. PartyPoker is hoping to start changing all that, and while, in some cases, their hands are tied by the law that will determine the future of PartyPoker, there are some other things to make sure their name isn’t forgotten! Though the illegal gambling act that’s about to come into full force in the US in December has yet to be officially enforced, it did cause PartyPoker to withdraw to providing gambling services to US players because prosecution was threatened if they didn’t take their services off of US soil. However, with hope that this legislation will be withdrawn, allowing online Poker sites to continue their operations in the US, and the recent acquisition of the World Poker Tour, PartyPoker’s getting ready to take over the world once again! PartyPoker intends to get in on European Poker tour events with both online games and direct pay-ins for onsite events that players from around the world can join, in hopes of creating a greater partnership between PartyPoker and WPT, which will perhaps help them regain their place as one of the leading Poker sites in the world. Prior to the legislation and threat of prosecution, PartyPoker was the most popular online Poker site, but with a loss of US players, a big shift occurred. By partnering with the WPT in Europe and expanding their appeal once again they hope to reclaim that title. Then, if gambling is once again legalized online in the United States, they will be in a great position to once again shift their appeal to those on American soil! Poker professionals are rooting for PartyPoker’s success, and hope that this will be the gateway to re-entry into the United States; something that has been long-awaited in the world of Poker. Share your thoughts on the WPT acquisition and plans for partnership with PartyPoker at the forums!