A recent trend that is being tried by a number of casinos and odds makers nowadays is mobile betting. But even though handheld devices such as the cellular phone have been available to the public for almost a decade now, it has only been really tested for use in sports betting only for the last year. This is because the technology that enables sports betting using handheld devices has only been perfected recently. Also, for this technology to be implemented in full force, a number of licenses and permits have to be secured. The benefits of handheld betting As of the moment, only a select number of establishments are licensed and are actually using this new technology to bet on sporting teams. As expected, these facilities are located in America’s gambling capital, Las Vegas. This development should be welcome news for avid sports bettors who currently have to brave long queues just to bet every time there is a game. Response has been generally positive, as expected in one of only three casinos and betting avenues that are implementing real-time handheld betting, the M Resort. This resort has offered mobile betting through its sportsbook facility. The system works the most favors for bettors who check every set of odds, as they are bound to change their bets according to the change of odds. Of course, as each bet may change its odds to win, the bettor would love to also bet on the direction of the winning team. So the changes in odds would require them to change their bets too, in the usual setting, that is. With handheld betting, all they need to do is key in their bets in their handheld device and not be bothered from whatever it is they are doing. No need to line up and leave one’s seat. While the game is unfolding, bettors would, of course, prefer to be glued on their seats so that they cannot miss any highlights or any drastic unexpected event. But at the same time, the bettors may need to just to place a bet if the odds have changed. With handheld betting, a bet will be placed in real time. The system also saves time for bettors as falling in line could sometimes be very time-consuming. Even old-school gamblers who used to express reluctance in using modern technology have been proven to be fast learners, according to some authorities of casinos that provide these handheld gadgets. The system has been lauded for its convenience because of all the information the counter offers such as a list of bets and odds as well as information on the games. Aside from the M Resort, Las Vegas casinos The Palazzo and The Venetian are among the establishments offering real-time handheld betting so far.