Jockey Calvin Borel on Super Saver took the lead and eventually the race in the fastest 2 minutes in a sport event. The results of the 136th annual Kentucky Derby 1) Super saver 2) Ice Box 3) Paddy O’ Prado 4) Make Music For Me 5) Noble’s Promise 6) Lookin At Lucky 7) Dublin 8 ) Simply Victor 9) Mission Impazible 10) Devil May Care (filly) 11) American Lion 12) Jackson Bend 13) Discreetly Mine 14) Dean’s Kitten 15) Conveyance 16) Homeboykris 17) Sidney’s Candy 18) Line of David 19) Awesome Act 20) Backtalk Glen Fullerton a Texas resident and horse racing fan, won his dream bet with Calvin Borel and Super Saver worth $900,000. Seeing someone bet $100,000 is a very rare happening but thanks to the Churchill Downs sponsored prize this was possible. According to NBC Sports; Glen Fullerton chose the horse Super Saver and Calvin because of the 2 last wins out of 3 derby races.