MLB Fans Seeking 15 Minutes of Fame Should Think Twice

In a recent Phillys game at the Citizens Bank Park, a fan ran into the field to seek his 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, after 30 seconds, he was tasered by the police. The fan who was tasered down was Steve Consalvi, a 17-year old who even called his dad through cellphone to say that he was planning to run into the field. His dad discouraged him but it didn’t work as Consalvi was able to fulfill his dreams for about 30 seconds. The parents of Steve Consalvi admitted the mistake their son made but they condemned the use of a taser gun. According to Amnesty International, more than 350 individuals have died after being tasered. Copycat incident Just after the Consalvi incident, another fan tried his luck and jumped into the field. However, the police didn’t use a taser but was able to chase the fan and walked him off the field. Fans were booing the copycat guy, called him a fat loser, and chanted to “tase” him. However, the Philadelphia police didn’t use force this time. These incidents have sparked the debate on whether the use of a taser gun on unruly fans is justifiable. Some believe that using a taser gun is effective but some have claimed that this is a form of excessive brutality. What the MLB has to say MLB players and team members agree that using a taser gun is justifiable, especially since a horrifying incident happened between a coach and two aggressive fans. Almost 8 years ago, then first base coach for Kansas City Royals Tom Gamboa was attacked by a father and son (William Ligue Jr. and Michael). The father and son jumped into the field during a baseball game, and punched and kicked Gamboa. Because of this incident, Tom Gamboa believes that fans suddenly running or jumping into the field during a game should be penalized, heavily. Currently, the punishment for unruly behavior among fans is a fine and probation, something that isn’t really effective in preventing people from seeking their 15 minutes of fame on the field. To tase or not to tase To tase or not to tase is definitely a question that’s worth looking into. However, Gamboa’s stand is to make sure that players, coaches, and other team members on the field are protected against possible brutal attacks from fans. This is why he is advocating that a harsher punishment should be implemented on fans who try to run or jump into the field. According to Gamboa, a possible jail time might do the trick, especially since it is really hard to distinguish a fan who is planning on brutally attacking a player from a simpleton who simply wants to make a name for himself.