Who won $634000 on jackpot pinatas at bodog casino

61-Year-Old Rural Indiana Woman Hits One Of Bodog Casino’s Biggest Jackpots Ever

Kahnawake, QC. May 13th, 2010 – Linda W., 61, of rural Indiana has done the unthinkable, hitting one of the biggest progressive jackpots in the history of the Bodog Online Casino! After a long day of running a landscaping business she owns with her husband she returned home to kick back, relax and play her favorite game in the Bodog Casino – Jackpot Piñatas. With just $52 left to play with, the magic happened. She won her way into the game’s bonus round where she earned ten free spins, and on only her second free spin the reels came to rest showing five bulls in a row, triggering the game’s progressive jackpot and earning Linda an incredible $634,000! Just weeks before her staggering $634,000 progressive jackpot win, Linda’s husband told her “people just don’t win those huge progressive jackpots.” Sure enough, she proved him wrong. She admits to having won smaller amounts playing Jackpot Piñatas in the past, but nothing more than a few thousand dollars. “I like it because it’s bright and it’s just fun,” she said when asked what it was that continued to draw her back to Jackpot Piñatas slots, adding “It’s my favorite game.” For most couples in their 60’s, hitting a $634,000 jackpot would lead to a very quick and comfortable re-tirement, but that’s not in the cards for Linda and her husband. Self-professed workaholics, the couple plans to pay off their bills, invest in new equipment for their landscaping business and, best of all, help their friends and family. “I’m more of a giver than a taker,” said Linda. “I’ve got a friend I want to help, I have one grandchild going to college I want to help, and my husband needs to have surgery.” Though Jackpot Piñatas is Linda’s favorite slot, it’s not the only one she’s played. She’s tried three reel classics like Triple 7 Inferno and Bank On It!, as well as video slots like Fruit Frenzy, Honey to the Bee, Paradise Dreams and Rain Dance, but she always goes back to her favorite – Jackpot Piñatas. With more than $1.5 Million in progressive jackpots up for grabs and the release of two all-new games – Casino Hold’em and Freaky Wild West slots – Bodog Casino is the premier online casino destination. To experience all that the Bodog Casino has to offer, visit Bodog Online Casino today!