After gambling debates in the United States, South Africa joins the roster of locations that declared online gambling as illegal. According to the decision released by a South Africa Court, anyone who is proven to have participated in online gambling – both operators and players – will be fined with a whopping $1.3 million. This is in addition to ten years of prison sentence for anyone who is found breaking the law. South Africa gambling As far back as 1965, South Africa already declared all gambling games illegal except for horse races. When 1970 rolled in, the government then allowed several casinos to set up a shop in a limited number of aboriginal areas or homelands. These homelands are basically like the reservation areas set up by the United States. Gambling in these casinos was also limited only to South Africa citizens. It was during the year 1994 that gambling has been legalized all over the country during the administration of then President Nelson Mandela. Under his administration, the aboriginal areas where then incorporated into the country, resulting in a countrywide legalized gambling. President Jacob Zuma’s administration is currently looking into regulating and taxing this particular industry through the proposed National Gambling Amendment Bill. In online gambling alone, the industry is estimated to earn around 136 million USD every year, turning it into a very lucrative venture should it be approved. Before a final decision will be made by the government, they were waiting to review the special report regarding online gambling from the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Unfortunately, a refusal was already heard from the North Gauteng High Court, instigating a total ban against gambling. Online casinos blocked The approach is that Internet providers in South Africa will be the ones responsible for blocking online casino sites. At the same time, all financial institutions are prohibited from undergoing transactions to or from the online gambling sites. According to South Africa’s Gauteng Gambling Board, the media have already been alerted regarding the decision pertaining to the illegality of online casinos, adding that those who continue to participate in such acts will be arrested and tried for conviction. Any online casinos found operating in South Africa will be dealt with by the proper authorities, possibly paying millions in fine as well as ten years of jail time. Online gambling revenue Online gambling is currently one of the biggest earners online as well as the biggest gainers when it comes to searches. Estimated worth of online gambling has been estimated to be around a billion of dollars per year, creating a huge impact on the industry. Current issues of online gambling in various countries have resulted in different views regarding the topic, with discussions and opinions still up in the air.