The Magic 8 Ball should have told US players what was in the cards for EwalletXpress and their casino accounts in a matter of minutes back in November with the tell tale signs making an appearance once again at a frequently used payment processor, EwalletXpress. When players across the US tried to access their EwalletXpress accounts on that cold winter day and found that there was “no access” available and just a little note explaining that upgrades were taking place and accounts would be available soon. Hopes of a easy solution were prayed for across the US but when players started noticing one by one that banking options were suspiciously absent from their accounts, no deposit methods available a bit of déjà vu started taking over. Still players held out hope, because EwalletXpress were sticking with their “technical” issues as the reason for the unavailability to players, but why just US players? Clients of EwalletXpress started realizing after days and days of no change in their accounts that the days of EwalletXpress were coming to an end because the “big bad wolf” huffed and puffed and confiscated their money! That’s right, the Federal Government once again seized a payment processor and yes Virginia, kept all the players money! When will the madness end? EwalletXpress, finally has made a statement to their customers admitting the seizure and confiscation of players funds and have explained in their own words that their hands are tied and are not able to address the issues until given permission by the Feds because they are negotiating with them and confidentiality was necessary. A Statement from EwalletXpress had this to say, “At this point we must regretfully inform you that our funds and accounts were seized by the US government as part of a confidential investigation. We have contacted the US investigating agencies and are currently negotiating with them at present. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused any players and due to the sensitivity of the situation, we were not able to notify our players at an earlier time and we sincerely regret this and apologize. We are grateful for your years of patronage to our company over the years and are trying our best to resolve this matter quickly.” No one can answer if players will ever get their funds returned to them even though gambling online is NOT illegal in the US. Only the banking and financial businesses are performing illegal activities when they process players winnings, not the players at all, so why they should have to forfeit their money still needs addressing by the federal government . However, if past experience shows us anything, don’t hold your breath for any funds being returned, just look under the federal governments Christmas trees this next Christmas and say “Your Welcome”. (When NETELLER shut down four years ago after its founders were arrested by U.S. authorities, U.S. players who had money on the e-wallet seized had to wait more than six months to receive their money.)