Americas Cardroom Surprises Online Poker Players With Dramatic Rake Drop on All Limit Tables

San Jose, Costa Rica – November 27, 2012 – Just in time for the Holidays, US-friendly online poker site Americas Cardroom is giving players something new to be thankful for. The online poker site has announced that, effective immediately, the rake structure for all Limit games is changing. The most dramatic drop will be seen at the high stakes tables, where the rake fee drops from 5% all the way down to 1%. The new structure will go into effect on all Limit Hold’em, 7 Stud and Omaha tables. “Our goal isn’t to just be competitive, it’s to be the top destination in the US for online poker players,” stated Americas Cardroom spokesman Michael Harris. “The realignment of our rake structure coupled with the fact that we’re the #1 site for reliable payment processing now makes us a clear favorite.” The rake structure is now aligned with what US online poker players enjoyed at Poker Stars, which no longer serves the US market. In addition to high stakes players seeing rake drop down to 1%, low stakes players will also benefit significantly, too. The cap at $0.02/$0.04 table is now just one cent.