RedKings Increases Race Prizes for Poker Affiliates

(Press Release) October 2013 – Popular poker room will increase the Cash Prize pool of its long running successful Affiliate Shared Poker Race to $12,000 on November 1st. This Poker Race, which started initially with total prizes of $5000, is split into two 14 day Races every month and is used by a number of preferred Affiliate partners to both help increase the visibility of the RedKings Brand and reward their players for their loyalty with some extra cash. Commented Jani Kontturi, Marketing Manager at RedKings, “ this Poker Points Race has always been popular with players and affiliates alike. It represents real value so the Affiliates are quite happy to offer it to their players and have been doing it for over 16 months now. Everyone participating recognizes that along with our 60k Room race and VIP Cashback this Race is the cherry on the cake for a large number of players and as such Affiliates are quite happy to provide the exposure and update the Leaderboard daily” Retaining the structure of two 14 day Races a month each of the $6000 Races has been modified with a bit extra cash at the top and a lot more added to the middle section so to widen its appeal to the medium size grinder. Added Kontturi, “a lot of medium size players are returning to RedKings and Ongame. They recognize that huge amounts of recreational players are still coming to the Network in their droves and they are on the hunt! This Poker Race is just perfect for their size and the levels they play at”