Party Gammon

Party Gammon

A Party With Online Backgammon Games At PartyGammon

PartyGammon is the newest offering from one popular online gaming site, (the site is also the proud owner and operator of Its move to further expand its games offerings by including backgammon games can be considered an innovation as relatively very few poker rooms have actually gone on to branch out to other online games. In this regard, one can say that is setting a trend, which other online gambling sites may eventually follow.

Since this backgammon site is a new kid on the online-gaming block, it needs to attract players to its side, which it conveniently does by way of bonuses and incentives. Currently, it offers a special welcome bonus for new players wherein its clients can receive $100 welcome incentive. In addition, the site has an existing program where referrals made by players will be rewarded. Here, a player who is able to refer his friend to PartyGammon will be entitled to a $50 bonus which will be credited to the player’s account. This particular promotion scheme is also being offered in
another PartyGaming game room, PartyPoker.

Being a certified cousin of Party Poker, it is anticipated that PartyPoker players would eventually gravitate toward PartyGammon. This is not actually the case despite the fact that PartyPoker has a relatively large player base, not to mention the other fact that PartyPoker players can use one account in playing games both at PartyPoker and at PartyGammon. Nevertheless, there are several gamers in the PartyGammon arena and getting an opponent to play against you will not really be such a big problem. This becomes especially true when you consider the fact that buy-in charges are quite inexpensive, particularly in the ring games, which can start at a minimum of $1.50 to a maximum of $115.

The likelihood that PartyGammon will eventually get to attract more players to its side is quite high. This is because the site offers some very good backgammon game variants including ring game and tournament versions, while satellite and big-time tournament backgammon games are also available for play. Games involving large cash prizes can likewise be found.

However, when ranged against the games actually being played at PartyPoker, PartyGammon games are a bit less exciting. Some tables are hardly filled up at all. Also a small disappointment is the ranking of backgammon players. While these are indeed shown on screen, you initially have to open the dialog box for Join Game before you can actually see the ranking. Ditto if you want to view your own personal ranking as a backgammon player. Yet, all of these are quite understandable since the site is still new. As more and more players learn about the site and get to play its games offerings, adjustments will eventually be made. Also, whether we admit it or not, online poker games are definitely being played by more players as compared to online backgammon games.

PartyGammon may be a new online gaming site. Yet, it is financially secured since it is backed by a relatively stable online gambling site. It simply needs more time and more players to prove its true worth in the field of online gaming.